CSB Claims First Show Win at USBR “Respect the Breed” Show

Stamp Family Bruno Rey Best Male - USBR "Respect the Breed" Show
Stamp Family Bruno Rey Best Male – USBR “Respect the Breed” Show

Crooked Star Bulldogges is proud to announce our first show win!  First Show…First Win!   BR Stamp Family Bruno Rey – Best Male / Crooked Star Bulldogge Harley – Best Female and Best in Breed!

CSB Harley Best Female AND Best in Breed USBR "Respect the Breed" Show
CSB Harley Best Female AND Best in Breed USBR “Respect the Breed” Show

The best part…this is Daddy / Daughter!

Most people will go and show their animals in a “competitive” spirit, win at all cost mentality.  However, as a breeder, you have to take a different approach.  I will not lie, it’s nice to win, but more importantly, shows are a way to validate your breeding program.  To allow a trained eye (whether you agree with them or not) to review your breeding program in a way that the breeder himself can not do objectively.

Thank you for our handlers this weekend – Jacqueline Lindahl and Jennifer Hernandez. They were the folks that really made it happen.

A special thanks to Kim Evans for inviting me and allow me to just ‘hang out’!

Check us out on Facebook #crookedstarbulldogges